Friday, August 3, 2007

Asal usul G-ring planet Saturn

Cassini Finds Possible Origin of One of Saturn's RingsAugust 02, 2007
PASADENA, Calif. - Cassini scientists may have identified the source of one of Saturn's more mysterious rings. Saturn's G ring likely is produced by relatively large, icy particles that reside within a bright arc on the ring's inner edge. The particles are confined within the arc by gravitational effects from Saturn's moon Mimas. Micrometeoroids collide with the particles, releasing smaller, dust-sized particles that brighten the arc. The plasma in the giant planet's magnetic field sweeps through this arc continually, dragging out the fine particles, which create the G ring.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Aku..dan ...

Tak tau nak citer apa ari ni..just semakin bengong dgn keje2 kat skol..hehe...tadi GB carik aku, ada benda yg PPD mintak semalam...rupa-rupanya cd self access learning tu aku tak bagi lagi kat cikgu2 yg sepatutnya dapat..hehehe...cemaner lah bleh terlupa plak..:-) heheh....anyway, tadi aku dah bagi cd tu kat penyelaras eTems sekolah...:-)
(ni gambar kenangan masa 2005, tgh amik kpli kat mpbl. Ni semua geng2 masa kerja, kitorang tgh wat cosware utk math tambahan)